Trolls DreamWorks Fun Fair Surprise - Sweet Surprises 11 Pack!
Cute mini collectible toy figures. Over 35 to collect across Series 2. This Sweet Surprises 11 Pack contains 10 visible figures and 1 hidden figure.
So Many To Collect!
Kids will love all the different types of Trolls Mineez they can search for and collect in the DreamWorks Trolls Fun Fair Surprise Mineez Series 2. There are over 35 Trolls Mineez with different looks and finishes from different teams!

Who Will You Get?
Trolls DreamWorks Fun Fair Surprise Mineez Sweet Surprises 11 Packs have 10 visible Mineez figures that collectors can see and 1 Mineez Figure hidden inside, meaning collectors do not know who they will get until they open their pack. Kids and grown-ups alike love the excitement of the hunt as they open their pack. Will it have new jelly hair? Every opening is a surprise in the waiting!

Trolls You Know And Love
DreamWorks Trolls Fun Fair Surprise Mineez includes characters that Trolls fans will know and love, plus some new faves. These charming and lovable characters will win the hearts of Trolls fans!
Sing, dance and bring joy with Poppy, Branch, Brozone and all their friends. Kids will fall in love with each charming and lovably cute character. They'll want to seek, find and collect them all!

What's included?
11 x Figure
1 x Collector's Guide